Bible Study for Youth: Acts 1-7

I started a list of Bible questions for my 11-year old in order to foster better comprehension and encourage more careful attention to details while reading the Bible. We started in Acts and stuck to about 2 chapters per quiz; but if anyone wants to borrow these, feel free to break or lump as you like, and get even more detailed if you wish. I hope you find these as useful as we have! I will be adding more "Bible Study for Youth" posts over the course of time (as we do them), so check in periodically if you want them. Chapters 1-2 1) Who wrote "Acts", and to whom is he writing? 2) Who succeeded Judas the betrayer, and how was he chosen? 3) In Chapter 2, when the Apostles spoke in different languages, what did some people accuse them of? 4) Roughly how many accepted Peter's message and were "added that day"? 5) After Peter cuts them "to the heart", what does he say they should do? (Quote verse 38 entirely.) 6) Who is ...