Just Do it the Way He Says

Too many times, man receives a nudge from the Spirit to do something, only to decide to "do it my own way" and completely mess it up for himself, and usually for everyone else around him.  What would happen if we would just do what God says, and follow exactly the way He says to do it?

I felt a nudge from the Lord to tell my wife something...something I KNEW would become an argument, because it did the last 3 times I brought up the topic. It's a topic regarding a particular family devotion that has been a point of contention which, in the past, had left us both with hurt feelings.  The nudge was to reintroduce the topic, and to state it in a very specific way:  "I want us to start doing [this particular devotion]".

I prayed about it and reminded the Lord (because hey, who doesn't think that the Lord needs us to remind Him of things??) that this was a very contentious topic, and I was not up for having the argument, because it's not something obligatory, not a moral issue, and I would rather have a peaceful family than stir up trouble.

I started thinking of different ways to word it, or different ways to reintroduce the topic (e.g., invite my wife to join me "just tonight" in this devotion). I could sense the Spirit reminding me of all those passages I've been reading from the Old Testament, where all these great prophets and kings would get Word from God, and then "do it their own way", or try to explain to God why His way couldn't possibly work, and it always messed things up.

"Fine, Lord, I will do it just like that; just be with me.", I prayed.

I have this heavy-duty metal Rosary (made by my niece...special order because I have broken so many in the past) that has been touched to the relics of about 161 Saints and Martyrs. I grabbed it and asked they all be with me as I prepare for what I was sure was going to be a heated response from my wife. At least I'd have the comfort of the Saints, my Guardian Angel, and the Lord with me.  I was not going to argue; just speak the words I felt I was given, and let it be.

"Honey, I want us to start [the thing]".
    --Wife: "Okay." (Smiles, then goes back to her evening Bible reading.)
"Um, so you're not going to argue with me?"
    --Wife: "Nope."  (Smiles, then goes back to her evening Bible reading.)

I did a quick prayer of thanksgiving, silently in my heart, and then just sat there in awe at what just happened...and didn't happen.  No argument; no fuss; nothing but peace.  

When we do things the Lord's way, it's just better. I had no idea what was on her heart that night, or what He was telling her at that moment. (Later we discussed it, and God's timing is always perfect, of course.)  And so it was in those Old Testament Scripture passages where man could have had it so much better; and so with all these other instances where God tells us today "hey, do this; and do it like this". If we just do it the way He says, we're probably going to be fine. It's when we decide to take 'our own approach' (not trusting fully in God) that things go awry.

Praise be to Jesus!


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