
Showing posts from April, 2015

The "Intolerant" SF Archbishop Who Won't Indulge Sin

A news story was released recently about a group of San Francisco Catholics petitioning to have Archbishop Cordileone ousted for creating “ an atmosphere of division and intolerance ”. You can read one of the covers of that story HERE for details. What I want to focus on are some of the complaints against the Archbishop. He is accused of setting “ a pastoral tone that is closer to persecution than evangelization ”. Evidence cited to support this is a morality clause that defines extra-marital sex and homosexual acts as “ gravely evil ”. The problem with the complaint, though, is that the Church has ALWAYS taught about grave evils, their dangers, the need to warn and rebuke our brothers about them, and that these specific acts are such (cff. 1Jn 1:19, 5:16; James 5:13-16, 19; Lev 19:17; Mt 7:5, 18:15-17; 1Cor 5:1-13; Gal 6:1-2; Lev 20:13; Rom 1:27; 1Cor 6:9-10; MT 5:28 ; etc.). Is it “ persecution ” to warn people about the gravity of certain sins? No. It’s an act of mercy to...

Jesus Ate with Sinners, But You Can't Bake Their Cake? A Dialog with SSM Proponent

I entered into a discussion with a proponent of same-sex "Marriage" who believes that refusing to bake a same-sex wedding cake is bigotry and hypocrisy. The original discussion was about twice the length as what you will see here, as I removed our back-and-forth that got off-topic, the expletives, repetitive statements, and most of the more blatant unsupported assertions/presumptions. In a way, this could be a disservice because he made many false claims and used several deceptive tactics that Christians should know how to recognize and refute. But I've covered many of them before in other articles, so for the sake of brevity, and to keep it on topic, I edited out much of that. My words will appear in blue font , his in black. JM: Jesus regularly ate dinner with thieves and prostitutes, but you’re telling me it’s against your religion to bake a cake for a gay person? [ A dialog ensued with other people where he stated that a refusal to bake a cake for someone, ev...