Terrible Things in the Bible and Morality: Atheistic and Theistic Views
This is a slightly paraphrased transcript of a friendly conversation that took place between Frank Turek and an atheist (see 6-minute video linked here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynJwvv7wlFc ). This is very similar to what any Christian or atheist could expect in an actual discussion (and very closely mirrors actual discussions I have had...minus the conclusion) about morality and whether morality implies or “needs” a God. Why would a person be an atheist if they ‘might possibly know’ that God exists? - The fact that there are so many terrible things in the Bible, like when God condones/approves the torturing of slaves, even with no reason given for the ill treatment of them. Why would anyone want to follow such a God if He ‘might possibly exist’? Why would you follow such a God? Okay, let’s not even look at the context of the passage you are referring to. Let’s assume what you just said is 100% true. As an atheist, why is that wrong? - Morally, one would...