
Showing posts from October, 2016

Abortion Debate with a Former Catholic

This debate is only a subset of a much larger discussion which involved several people. I decided to post it here because it tended to stay on the general topic rather than veer off into endless trails as most online debates tend to do. The interlocutor, "J", began with a complaint about the Church having some requirement on how Catholics vote. He mentioned a recent newsletter which outlined the Church's teachings on the non-negotiables when it comes to supporting issues with our votes . However, his subsequent statements showed a belief in the justification/necessity of legal abortions, as he confirmed, " I support abortion at reasonable times because Christ calls me to have compassion for the suffering of women ", and stated that, for some women who are not ready to have a baby, abortion " is her only way out ". That makes my initial response/questions relevant and appropriate. My words in black , his words in green . I am only quoting the porti...

Answering How to Best Approach the Abortion Issue

I ran across this post/question on a social media outlet. "JH" favors option #2 in his proposition to gradually reduce the number of abortions.  But has that actually ever worked? JH’s proposition: "This is particularly aimed at…the pro-birth brigade. First of all: Can we agree that we all want fewer abortions? We could even aim for zero abortions in the long run. The discussion then becomes how best to achieve this goal. There seem to be two opposing schools of thought. 1) Legislate against abortion. This is typically led by the religious right. The problem is that they go further and seek to deny education to women on abortion, contraception, sexual health, anything sex related at all really. 2) Allow abortion up to a date determined by viability of the foetus and provide educational resources to women (and men) in order to prevent pregnancy in the first place. This is typically led by the more liberal groups who use secular reasoning rather than emotion...