
Showing posts from August, 2018

Don't Jump Ship Because of Judas

  In this time of yet another scandal, there are good and faithful Priests who encourage their flocks.  This letter can be, and has been, written in the various words of other such Priests in many parishes around the world.  This is just one example.  I keep it anonymous because I don't personally know this Priest.  (The parish name is a common one.)   " Dear Parishioners of Holy Family, Praised be Jesus Christ! I write this letter to all of you as something separate from the pastors column with the hope that I can more fully communicate my message to you. The timing seems to be perfect as we are within the beautiful Octave of Marian feasts, following the Solemnity of the Assumption and concluding with the Queenship of Mary. I write this under the protective mantle of the Holy Virgin to each of you who as disciples of the Lord Jesus are also her well-beloved children. Over recent weeks our Church, Our Mother on earth, has had to endure yet another...

On Immigrants Thirsty for Freedom

The post read, "If you break the law to get here, you will break the law while here.  Period." Then there was a link to a story about an illegal immigrant who had committed a horrible murder. My comment: "That's not true. You should talk to my Mexican family member. She has really opened my eyes. She was brought here illegally as a teenager, snuck in. It's a nice, warm, fuzzy idea that good people who want to come here in search of a better life should just put their name on a nice little list, and eventually it'll happen, but that's not how it works. If you lived in squallor with your children in a totally different world than anything we've ever dreamed of, you'd risk your life to change their future too. My family member was married to an American man for nine years. (Former Navy, by the way) who had never even been to Mexico. And she still couldn't get legal status. She worked hard for her family, AND paid taxes, even while she was ille...