To Give or Not to Give, and How to Do it Right: by Apprentice Blogger

Giving gifts thoughtlessly, or without consideration, is something we probably all have done. It seems like giving someone a gift that's "nice" or cheap, is a harmless act of charity, and the recipient will probably never know whether the giver has put much thought or effort into it. Some people don't even like giving gifts to others, yet they do it because they think they have to and therefore don't put much effort into it.
 But, as they say, it's the thought that counts; and if your thought is, ''Do I have to give someone a gift?",  then how does that show that you love or care about the receiver of the gift?  
It really doesn't.  
When the occasion calls for giving your friend a gift, do so with love, and not with the desire to get the cheapest item available, or to reluctantly just get it over with. Don't buy them a $700 watch, but also don't buy a cheap dollar store item. And don't buy them a super-expensive gift they won't use, like a sweater that won't ever be worn because they live in California. Think your gift ideas through, or you could be wasting your money.
 Get the gift receiver something you know they'll appreciate. Even if you think they won't care what you get them, you should still put effort into getting a gift. If you don't really know what they want or would like, ask them, or someone who knows them well. If you get your friend something you know they'll actually want and use, the gift receiver will be rewarded with a gift that they will like, and you will be rewarded with the joy that comes with giving the right gift.

"It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving".

- Mother Teresa

Apprentice Blogger is the pen name of a new contributor to the site. 


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