Predicting the End of the World

I had a prediction for the end of the world come to me a week or two before Christmas. It was a comment by a fellow named "E", nestled as a comment in one of my other articles, automatically flagged as spam. Now that his predicted end of the world has come and gone, I thought I'd offer feedback on what went wrong with the prediction.
I visited with the person who sent the message, and it turns out that this was much more than just another "I have predicted the end of the world" preacher.  The person actually believes himself to be, not just a prophet, but THE prophet.  Because of this, and my suspicion that there are some psychological issues, I have removed his identifying information, which includes his websites.

"E's" comment began with a call to attention:

"You are part of a search and rescue for lost Catholics.
Regular updates to the countdown to the Day of the Lord by the sign of the Son of Man in Heaven at :
[website link redacted]"

My first impression was that this was one of those "Catholics are all lost and must come to the Lord, instead of believing [whatever some people think Catholics believe, which we don't actually believe]" type things. To my surprise, it wasn't. The site could only be one of two things: a complete joke by someone who is indifferent to religion and history; or a real concern by someone who may very well be Catholic, but has become so caught up in conspiracy theories that he cannot tell reality from fiction.

The website was one of those that are a strain on the eyes in every sense. Bright, bold, multicolored font on grey-toned background , arranged in such a way that one might actually suffer a headache just from trying to read the words. But what really caught my eyes was the Gloria.

"Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen."

Okay, so the person is presumably Christian, and probably Catholic (judging by other statements). I kept skimming through the words.

"This is the [page] of St. John the Baptist...of Petrus Romanus (...vicar of Christ), the sign of the Son of Man... (Matthew 24:30), whose Pontificate began September 12, 2012 A.D."

Okay, so which is it? Is it the site of John the Baptist (really??) or of the fictitious "Petrus Romanus"? And are these references supposed to lend credibility to the claims?  As I would later learn from him, he believed himself to be both...the resurrected John the Baptist, in the personage of the "final Pope", the alleged "Petrus Romanus".

"The only site with...accurate interpretation of the Day of the Lord according to the four digit numbers in the prophecy of the Book of Daniel in the Holy Bible."

Ah!  So we finally get to the topic at hand.  Here we have it folks! After ALL the [I have no idea how many hundreds/thousands] failed predictions regarding the end of the world and the final coming of Christ, THIS guy has finally figured it out! What a relief.
You know, I was under the weird impression that no one would know the day or the hour, for some strange reason (Mt 24:36, 25:13; Mk 13:32).

"What to expect in the final days :
[website link redacted]
"Our Lady of the Roses’ Awesome Bayside Prophecies...These prophecies came from Jesus, Mary, and the saints to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, NY, from 1968 to 1995."

This next statement and website had me guessing if "E"was just joking around. The supposed apparition of "Our Lady of the Roses" in New York has been flatly rejected by the Church. Not least among the reasons is the fact that some of the "messages" given by the person who allegedly saw the "apparition" betray a lack of understanding of basic Christian faith and the English language. You can read about it here:

"[website link redacted - had to do with "Three Days of Darkness", which has floated around for some time now]
I was guided to think, for a while, using the "1335 = 2300" methodology, explained here :
[website link redacted]
We are less than 11 days away from prophetic history : the completion of the 2300 day cleansing period of Daniel 8:14. When Jesus said to me, "Give in now, John, until it comes time to fulfill all justice", He was referencing that point in time between "this age" and "the age to come". That point in time is between December 29, 2018 A.D. and December 30, 2018 A.D. There is no changing this..."

The other links are the same basic theme. "Here's my personal, fallible [except not really fallible, because I am convinced it's not] interpretation of a couple passages in the Bible that PROVE that the end of the world will be [insert any number of dates that have been tossed out by people thinking they know better than Jesus did]".

Well, here we are. The "point in time" has come and gone, and we are all still here. What went wrong, "E"? Was it your reliance on fiction (i.e. Petrus Romanus), faulty reasoning of Scriptural passages taken out of context, or just plain ignoring the fact that Jesus said that no one would know? Wouldn't it make more sense to worry about our own death (which we still can't predict) and making sure we are ready for that?

I did send "E" a personal invitation to discuss this topic here.  We shared a brief exchange elsewhere, during which he revealed that he believed himself to really be John the Baptist, (previously born as Elija the prophet before that, having now been born of 3 wombs in fulfillment of the "establishment of the priestly, prophetic, and kingly by Christ".  He claims to have been sent by Christ to round up everyone who has mentioned "Petrus Romanus" on the internet, because that's a sign that we're the ones who were supposed to be written in the Book of Life in Heaven, and that the "Age to Come" mentioned by Christ began December 30, 2018 (give or take). 

The gist of it is this:  Jesus Christ said that it is given to NO ONE to know the day or the hour (Mt 24:36, 25:13; Mk 13:32).  No matter when the end comes, or the "age to come" begins, every person will die at some point, and face judgment (Hb 9:27).  If you are one of those who gets caught up with "the end", get caught up with THAT one.  Be ready, like the virgins who brought their oil, and you won't have to worry about the end of the world, because it really won't make any difference.


  1. Firstly, as you went through the trouble to stalk me at Google, your statements there need to be addressed as it is not my prediction. Had you taken the time to read the material at hand without giving yourself over to crime instead in such an abusive manner, you would have known that. The countdown / countup to the Day of the Lord is over as we are now past the 2,300th day of Daniel 8:14. Here again, if you weren't so lost, you would have known that. What you erroneously call prediction is the prophecy of the Holy Spirit given through the prophet Daniel interpreted through the Holy Spirit given by me. The 'process' is a prayer meeting spanning thousands of years. That sets you straight regarding your misuse of prediction.

    1. I assure you, it was no trouble to find you at Google, because your name auto-linked to your profile from the message you left on my blog. From your own description of your mission, I would think you went through more trouble than I did to post a comment on my article about Mary.

      I don’t know what crime or abuse you are talking about, unless you mean that I called this whole thing your prediction; or that I said you are a fraud and a false prophet; or that I said I suspect psychological issues at play? Or that I had the audacity to respond to you on your own public page, upon which you have stated everything for yourself for everyone to see, and you are upset that I am calling you out for what you have publicly posted on your own timeline and on numerous other public blogs of unsuspecting Catholic bloggers? Or that I gave up talking to you on your own page before you felt like you got the final word?

      So, you are saying that this whole thing isn’t *your* “prediction”, but that you have properly deciphered what the Holy Spirit gave to Daniel the prophet so many years ago. Here’s the problem with that, though: your assertion that you know “the day or the hour” implies that you think Jesus was wrong. How, you ask? Because Jesus Christ, Himself, said that NO ONE knows the day or the hour.

      I’ll tell you what; you do three things for me and, if you can convince me, then I will continue a dialog with you. If not, we’re finished with this conversation.
      1 – please explain why a Catholic should take the “Lady of the Roses” “apparitions” seriously now that the Church has explicitly said it was NOT authentic;
      2 – please explain why a Catholic would be expected to accept the so-called prophecy of Malachy, when the evidence points to it being a forgery, and the Church has never accepted it as authentic;
      3 – (a two-for-one deal here) please explain to me why I should think that Jesus was wrong when He said that no one will know the day or the hour, AND that He was wrong when He warned of people like yourself, claiming to be “the prophet”, etc. (Claiming that you are the 3rd incarnation of Elijah is exactly the thing I would expect from someone who is a fraud, given what Jesus said in Scripture as a warning to His Apostles.)

      Convince me of those 3 things, with reason and actual Catholic doctrine (since you are reaching out to Catholics) and we’ll talk. Otherwise, you are done here.

  2. I visited the Long Island site years ago with the 2nd of the three kings of Persia foretold in Daniel 11:2. He is ca. 10 years my senior, and his passing to eternal life included fulfilling a 16th century prophecy which served as a starting point for the 1,290, 1,335, and 2,300 day periods of the Book of Daniel. (By second of those three kings, it is meant regarding his being younger than the first of those three and older than the third of those three.) There have been abuses to the Book of Daniel for thousands of years, as well as the very abuse foretold within its verses. What you call "Church" and "Catholic" is not necessarily what the Holy Spirit witnesses as such. Case in point for all three of your requests : both Benedict and Francis are Curates, at best, yet because of the "mass apostasy" foretold in the Pauline Epistles, people have believed in the lie that they have been rightful successors to the See of Peter. At which point it is best to remind you that before the changing in a twinkling of an eye, before the 2,300 day cleansing period ended, you were, at best, a worthless, damned heretic according to the prophecy of the Holy Spirit. Keep in mind that in terms of "being done here", you were that way as regards your heresy for at least 2,300 days, and such Divine Judgment regarding those 2,300 days only ended a few days ago. Given your calumny and heresy thus far, you really need to examine the facts objectively, rather than merely crying 'papa' and proceeding to attempt a slash and burn. There are pages of further testimony which refute your claim of 'evidence'. Your claim of a "two-for-one deal" only exists in your mind, as such a deal is only nested in tyranny, no matter how delusional. As such, you barely see that you cite 'interpretations' of the Book of Daniel which have been in error due to pride and greed, and will remain so. Your writing reflects this. But it has its cost in that you deny Jesus really meant he said, that He is entitled to have His angel sent before Him, and that you can even have a conversation with said angel. I have an entire forum devoted to "neither the day, nor the hour"; none of my writing refutes what Jesus said, yet you look Jesus square in the eye as He tells you to "search", and then proceed to allow full-blown morons to be your guides. (I have an entire directory about them.)

    1. I wasn't going to publish what you wrote, but then I figured I may as well because there may be people who think I was exaggerating what I said of you. You have made my point for me.
      Have a good life, and may God bless you.
      In Christ,


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